Leaving Brevard ' a little better than we Phound It ' through community service and Phun
Space Coast Parrot Head Club

Space Coast Parrot Head Club Merchandise!! Shirts, Polo, Activewear, etc. Just click on the SCPHC Merchandise label above and
If you are not receiving emails from the club CLICK HERE

Club Birthday Party 2024

Alzheimer's Walk 2024

To register and become a member of this web site, you must be a dues paying member of the Space Coast Parrot Head Club. As a guest you will not have access to some pages of the site. To join, go to the 'Join/Renew The PHun' page. Initial membership fee is $30 per person plus $2 if using PayPal. In the meantime enjoy the sounds and pages... PHins UP!!
“This contribution is not deductible as a charitable contribution for Federal income tax purposes.”
Membership Renewal
Go to the Membership Renewal Page by clicking on RENEWALS below.
Renewals are $27.00 per person (until 1 Feb, then $32.00) thru PayPal (PayPal subscription NOT required, just a Credit Card)
THIS IS FOR RENEWALS ONLY and only available to current members.